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How to Hack facebook/gmail/yahoo/etc via BackTrack R5

"Kali is a Linux distribution focused on security based on the Ubuntu Linux distribution aimed at digital forensics and penetration testing use. In March 2013, the Offensive Security team rebuilt BackTrack around the Debian distribution and released it under the name Kali Linux."

Hacking may have been one of your interests since a long time. But most of us, wont know how to do it. This tutorial will guide you through the meanders of hacking any website that deals with inputting the email address and password (in fact any text input will be recorded).


1. BackTrack R5

First of all, you need a live CD of Kali Linux. To get one, navigate to 32 bit or 64 bit.

2. A Bit of Grey Matter

Of course you need some common sense while hacking and troubleshooting some problems if you face any. However if you follow instructions properly, you shouldn't face any.

How to pull it off

Step 1:

Install Backtrack R5 to your PC via the live CD or make a virtual machine running the OS.

Step 2:

If asked, then boot linux in text mode, and type "startx" to boot it up with the GUI.

Step 3:

Open the terminal window, and then type "cd /pentest/exploits/set" and hit enter.

Step 4:

Then type "./set" and hit enter.

Step 5: 

Now just select 1st option (1 Social-Engineering Attacks) and hit enter after that 2nd number(2 Website Attack Vectors)

Step 6:

Now Just select 4th Option “Tabnabbing Attack Method” and Hit ENTER .

Step 7:

Then select 2nd option “Site Cloner” and Hit ENTER.

Step 8:

Now here you need to add the URL of Facebook (if you want to hack gmail then just add the gmail’s URL).
Press Enter

Step 9:

Open new terminal and just type ifconfig and hit ENTER .

Step 10:

Now just copy this IP address and open it in Browser. 

Step 11:

Now here I am just typing test email and password to see whether it works or not. 

Step 12:

Now just hit enter and switch back to our terminal and we found the Email and password !


This tutorial was for educational purpose only. Hence, this method would work only on target PCs that are connected in LAN or Wireless LAN with your own PC.

Video Tutorial

Here, I am using VMWare Workstation 10 to boot up BackTrack R5 in a virtual machine to follow the steps given above. 

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Kshitij Yadav