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Play games or watch movies in anaglyph 3D via Tridef 3D

You must have wondered, at some point, how great it would have been if you could play your normal computer games, in 3D. But then, when you searched for it on the internet, they say, "You need a 3D monitor" and you go back disappointed. But let me tell you, there is a way to play your games in 3D withot any of those 3D monitors. So, why do they tell you that you need a dedicated monitor? The answer is, those 3D softwares display your games in Polarised 3D format which need a 3D monitor and is a relatively newer concept of showing images in 3D. But the olden anaglyph 3D can still be put to use right now just with your current monitor. So what is anaglyph 3D?

"Anaglyph 3D is the name given to the stereoscopic 3D effect achieved by means of encoding each eye's image using filters of different (usually chromatically opposite) colors, typically red and cyan. Anaglyph 3D images contain two differently filtered colored images, one for each eye. When viewed through the "color-coded" "anaglyph glasses", each of the two images reaches one eye, revealing an integrated stereoscopic image. The visual cortex of the brain fuses this into perception of a three-dimensional scene or composition."

Following is an example of an anaglyph 3D image:


Tridef 3D

You could get Tridef 3D over here.

A Decent PC

A PC with a good graphic card, processor and RAM.

Red Cyan Glasses

Obviously you'll be needing it. You could buy them from the market, they are very cheap, or order them online from here.

How to play the game

Step 1:

Download and install Tridef 3D.

Step 2:

Launch Triedf 3D.

Step 3:

Select "Play games in 3D".

Step 4:

Press add game and then wait for Tridef to search for installed games in your PC or manually add a game and click next.

Step 5:

Select the game preset from the given list.

Step 6:

Launch the game.


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Kshitij Yadav